What is the central theme/topic of the video?
What is the action that will unfold in the video?
What specific kinds of media do you imagine?
What would be needed in order to execute the video?
What do you imagine the context/action for this video to be?
This clip would be part of a sci-fi movie similar to Star Trek.
Who is the expected target audience?
I think that the target audience of this video would be teens/adults interested in sci-fi movies, the kind of people who enjoy Star Trek, Star Wars and superhero movies.
These are a couple of types of environments that I am considering for the location of my teleporation scene:
Train Station: https://static.pexels.com/photos/121521/pexels-photo-121521.jpeg |
Desert: https://static.pexels.com/photos/60013/desert-drought-dehydrated-clay-soil-60013.jpeg |
Like this idea! Might be easier than idea 2, but I'm really not sure!